This machine is used for rolling the raw material steel rod (round steel ) with diameter Φ 25 or less.
Equipment composition and structural features:
This machine is a 2-hi cold rolling mill (hot rolling mill), which consists of main unit, main motor, reducer, herringbone gear one machine, universal joint shaft, electric screw down gear and electric control etc.. The strength of the device, rigidity, and ensure the accuracy and stability of the mill. This equipment strength, rigidity, to ensure the accuracy and stability of the mill.
Hot-rolling mill is using the induction heating characteristics of fast non-oxidizing, direct hot rolling out the desired shape and size of the square, flat steel after hot rod heating, and then using the method of cooling control to produce excellent surface quality, performance, qualified products;
The advantages of the production process are as follows:
1. High production efficiency, high degree of automation, low labor intensity;
2. Material surface without oxidation; finished product with high yield, low production costs, available specifications are flexible;
3. The strong continuity of production, production process short;
4. No acid cleaning rust, environmental protection and energy saving;
Flat steel cold rolling mill equipment process as follows:
Coiled bar setting out→Butt weld→Straightening→Traction→Flush→Induction heating→Rolling mill→Roll up→Inspect→Packaging.
Main technical parameters
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